WHY HELP? We have to work together to keep electricity affordable by communicating our views and concerns to elected officials and policy makers at all levels. PRECorp hosts quarterly Telephone Town Halls to hear your questions and concerns about your electric cooperative. The town halls invite PRECorp members to call in and hear important news about Powder River Energy and its ongoing strategic work. We will call the members, but if you would like to join the meeting from another location, dial the toll-free member line at 1-888-886-6602.

Get Involved: The voice of one cooperative member, combined with hundreds of PRECorp members, and thousands more across Wyoming, can join with millions across America to send a strong message. Powder River Energy Corporation is making sure you have those resources through enhanced communications with our members at the grass roots level. Your most local program the PRECorp Local Action Network (P.L.A.N.) can helps us affect not just state and federal issues, but also local ones. The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s program works together with P.L.A.N. to make sure your voice can be heard and rates can stay affordable.
Get Informed: It is important to stay informed and we make it easy to do so. Listed are several links that will provide you with information, help you learn about the legislative process, link you to the Wyoming Legislature, and much more.
Learn more about the Wyoming Integrated Test Center in Gillette.