Powder River Energy has a diverse portfolio of members ranging from large coal mines and coal bed methane to farm, ranch and residential meters.
PRECorp distributed more than 1.8 billion kilowatt hours of power throughout its service territory in 2024. Approximately 38 percent of that is for coal mines, followed by 35 percent of sales to oil related and other industrial and commercial accounts, and 12 percent to CBM wells. The remaining 18 percent of sales went to residential and irrigation customers.
Member Statistics (as of March 7, 2025)
125 Full-time and part-time employees
11,342 Miles of Power Lines
12,456 Members
15,660 Square-Miles of Service Territory
27,559 Meters; Meters by Rate Class – Residential 14,751, Coal Mines 57, Coal Bed Methane 878, LP Commercial 1,114, Other Industrial/Commercial/Irrigation 10,759
Meter and Member Count by County
Count of Members and Meters by Rate
Financial Reports