WyREC Program
The WyRECs program is an innovative means for Powder River Energy Corporation (PRECorp) to meet its Vision 2030 strategic theme of “Member Engagement and Community Development” by facilitating business creation, development and services to benefit PRECorp communities.
The program offers the sale of renewable energy credits to companies within and outside of the state of Wyoming with sustainability objectives interested in reducing their environmental impact. Lunavi (formerly Green House Data) of Cheyenne, is one of those companies in the past who has offset their carbon footprint by purchasing renewable energy credits through the program. Lunavi purchased WyRECs from PRECorp, who reinvested those funds in community development projects. The program is made possible because of PRECorp’s membership in Basin Electric Power Cooperative, which has significant wind energy projects throughout its service territory.
Proceeds from the WyREC transactions are available to reinvest in economic development and other community related projects specifically located in the PRECorp service area, and may be leveraged by businesses seeking grant and loan programs from entities such as the Wyoming Business Council and the United States Department of Agriculture (U.S.D.A) who often require a percent of matching funds to qualify.
For more information about the program or how to offset your energy consumption, and invest in Wyoming, contact WyREC Program Manager and PRECorp VP of Member Service Joe Roth at 1-800-442-3630.
WyRECs help Upton Economic Development