A vacancy on the Powder River Energy Board of Directors has occurred with the resignation of Campbell County Director Dustin Martinson.
Martinson was elected director in August 2023. The term expires on September 1, 2026, and the PRECorp Board of Directors is seeking letters of interest from Campbell County members who would be willing to fill out that term from 2024 to 2026.
Interview dates will be determined based on the number of members showing interest. The PRECorp Board of Directors may make a appointment as soon as its regular meeting in Gillette, Tuesday, August 20. The new director may be officially seated at the September 17 meeting.
The qualifications for a seat on the PRECorp Board of Directors are as follows:
The applicant:
- Must reside within the service territory of the Campbell County. However, members taking service outside Campbell County shall be deemed to be a member of and within the area served by the county closest to the nearest meter serving the members’ residence;
- Must be a member receiving electric energy from PRECorp;
- May not be in any way employed by or have a substantial financial interest in a competing enterprise or a business selling electric energy or supplies to PRECorp.
The Board of Directors meets regularly on the third Tuesday of each month. Directors are expected to attend all regular monthly board meetings. Directors are also expected to attend all special board meetings, committee meetings, and PRECorp’s Annual Meeting.
The Board establishes the basic business policies for Powder River Energy Corporation and represents all members. A director is expected to read and be familiar with information and financial reports from the Cooperative, or other state and national associations.
Additionally, a director will be expected to embrace continued learning about the electric cooperative industry. A director will work with other Board members and have the self-confidence and communication skills to express his or her opinion.
The deadline for submitting a letter of interest is 5 p.m., Friday, August 2. The letter should include the following information:
- Member number
- Physical address of member’s primary residence
- Primary contact information: phone number, email address
- A statement indicating member’s qualifications and interest in serving with the PRECorp Board of Directors
Mail a letter of interest to:
PRECorp Board of Directors
Attn: Corporate Administration
PO Box 930
Sundance, WY 82729
The board position is an appointed interim position through August 2026, at which point the seat will be filled through the normal election process and a vote of the PRECorp membership.