NOTE: 2024 Rate calculator formulas are pending PSC approval and might not be 100% accurate at the present time.
(Local taxes not included.)
The Rate Calculator below enables you to enter your average usage see an estimated monthly power bill for various rate classes in the PRECorp system. The rates reflect the tariffs approved by the Wyoming Public Service Commission for the General Rate Case that went into effect September 1, 2020. A Cost of Power Adjustment (COPA) is pending PSC approval for January 1, 2024. The final calculations do not include local taxes or municipal franchise fees. For calculations specific to your account, contact PRECorp Member Service at 1-800-442-3630.
Residential & Seasonal Use
(Rate calculators include Cost of Power Adjustment.)
Residential | 200 Amps and Under
Residential Time of Day | 200 Amps and Under
Residential Time of Use | 200 Amps and Under
Heat Rate | Single/Three Phase Self-contained
Electric resistant heat credit is available October through April; basic charge will bill every month.