ALERT: Members, if you're attempting to use our pay-by-phone feature, you may experience the system looping back to the main menu. Our top people are working on this problem, but in the meantime, please use a work-around number of 307-283-3531 to make a phone payment. Sorry for the inconvenience at this time.
PRECorp members can choose easy and convenient ways to even out their monthly electricity bills and pay their bill through a mobile device or automatic deductions.
PRECorp offers a diverse way to manage your electricity accounts.
The SmartHub program enables you to view your information from practically anywhere, anytime. A nice feature of the new system is the availability of a FREE “App” you can put on your mobile device.
Through SmartHub there will be opportunities to report outages, communicate with PRECorp staff, view usage history, and pay bills.
Budget Billing
Many people like to know, within a few dollars, what their electricity bill will run each month in order to keep within their budget.
Budget Billing is a way to even out your monthly payments in order to avoid those high spikes that can sometimes occur during the peak usage months.
We take the average of your last 12 months of billing at your service location and multiply by 1.05 to determine your monthly payment amount. You then pay the same monthly amount going forward. The account is reviewed after six months to ensure there haven’t been any significant increases or decreases in usage; the monthly amount is updated if necessary. The payment amount is then paid for an additional five months with the six month being the a clearing month (account is trued-up). Your average is again recalculated as is was a year ago and you start the process again.
Sign Up
You can sign up for Budget Billing by emailing us or by calling us at 1-800-442-3630 and requesting a Budget Billing Plan Agreement.
To be eligible for Budget Billing, you must have had residential service at your location for one year or more. Your account also must be current.
Budget accounts are reviewed every six months. If your average use has increased or decreased by 10 percent or more, you are notified and are given the option of increasing or decreasing the budget amount, depending on which direction it needs to go.
Contact us if you wish to discontinue Budget Billing or if you have made any changes in your electricity usage.
Automatic Payment Plan
Many members prefer to have their monthly electricity bill automatically deducted from their bank account or charged to their credit card. The process is easy to set up and is convenient.
For automatic payment via your credit card:
(account must be for residential or annual service)
Click Here – You will need to go to “Service My Account” and “Sign Up for Bank Draft”
You can choose to stop receiving a printed bill.
Just open the Authorization Agreement form, print it, fill it out, attach a voided check, (do not use a deposit ticket as some of them do not have the correct routing number) or a savings slip and mail it to our Sundance office at: Powder River Energy, PO Box 930, Sundance, WY, 82729; or take it to any of our member service offices in Sundance, Gillette or Sheridan.
You will continue to receive a bill;, however, the bill will say “Bank Draft Do Not Pay” in the top portion of the stub. The money will be drafted on the due date of the billing.