2020 Rate Case information
UPDATED September 1, 2020:
On Monday, July 27, the Wyoming Public Service Commission (PSC). [Docket No. 10014-202-CR-19] approved the Powder River Energy General Rate Case effective September 1, 2020.
Basic details:
This case is headlined by a general rate adjustment applied for electric usage beginning September 1, 2020.
The final increase proposed and filed for approval by the PSC was reduced slightly to $6,435,631, or an overall increase of 3.88%, across all member classes with varied impacts to each class.
The Residential basic charge will increase $1.50 from $25.50 to $27, and rates will increase an average of 8.35%. The General Service basic charge will increase $5 per month, to $40 for single-phase and $45 for three-phase, and rates will increase about 8.09%.
Along with the adjustment in rates, there are several other changes effective September 1 that are designed to realign business customer rates, consolidate other rates, improve the billing process and provide new rate options to cooperative members. PRECorp mailed letters in August to members who may be impacted by the rate consolidations and billing changes. These are summarized in the following capsules. Please call PRECorp Member Service at 1-800-442-3630 if you have any questions about the changes and how they might affect you.
Annual/Seasonal billing
This change has the most obvious effect on rural members who are accustomed to being billed only once or twice per year for energy usage for agricultural pumps or seasonal housing. PRECorp will transition to monthly billings all residential annual/seasonal accounts that were normally billed two times per year (October and January). This transition improves member service and helps us better manage billing costs.
We have timed this transition with the implementation of PRECorp’s Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) metering system. Members with multiple accounts are offered options such as Invoice Group Billing, to put all accounts in the same billing cycle on one billing statement; and AutoPay, to ensure timely payment through our online automated payment feature.
Payment must arrive on due date
Another change to the PSC rules is related to when payments must be received. The revised rule requires payments to be received in our office, or paid electronically, by the due date. Some instances in the past allowed for a postmark date to waive late fees. From now on, any payment received after the due date – postmarked or not – is subject to a late fee.
Three-phase Residential service rate
PRECorp is adding a Three-phase Residential rate class to its General Service rate schedule. As part of adding this new classification and rate, and to maintain accurate service/account information, we are reviewing Three-phase General Service accounts to determine if the services are currently being used for non-residential or residential purposes.
The basic monthly charge and the energy charge will be the same for both non-residential and residential three-phase rates. We simply want to code the accounts for more accurate identification of the loads being served and for regulatory compliance.
Heat Rate offered across rate classes
On the monthly billing statement, the Residential Heat Rate and the Non-Residential Heat Rate options will be combined into one Heat Rate option and simply be referred to as the Heat Rate. This requires breaking out the single basic charge Heat Rate participants see today into two basic charges – one for your main meter based on the rate class of your account, and one for the heat rate meter.
Time of Use program
Our Time-of-Use Rate option is one more way we continue our promise to provide members with affordable rates and options that fit their individual energy needs. The concept behind this program is fairly simple: rather than a single flat rate for each unit of energy used (e.g. kWh,) you pay different rates for the electricity you use based on the time of day and season. Under this voluntary rate option, when you consume electricity is just as important as the amount of electricity you use.
On Time-of-Use, rates are lower during evenings and overnight because of the decreased demand for electricity during those times..To help lower costs, you can shift energy use to off-peak periods (when electricity prices are lowest). Our Time-of-Use Rate also changes seasonally, because electricity demand differs between summer months and the rest of the year. These rates can make a big difference for members particularly in the areas of heating and cooling; major appliances; and water pumping equipment.
Why the increase?
PRECorp projections show continued declines in sales, particularly in the CBM industry and coal mines through industry consolidations and idling facilities. This decline has eroded the business results below the minimum financial results required by our lenders. The recently completed cost of service study guides the rate changes by class. The rate adjustment, coupled with a continued focus on business efficiencies and cost reductions, will correct this situation and allow the cooperative to continue to provide its consumer-members with safest and most reliable service possible.
PSC Filings
Look here for updated filings with the Public Service Commission related to the 2020 General Rate Case.
- Supplemental Filing #6 - November 13, 2020
- Supplemental Filing #5 - November 3, 2020
- Informational Filing #1 - October 13, 2020
- Compliance Filing #2 - August 25, 2020
- Compliance Filing #1 - August 3, 2020
- Supplemental Filling #4 - July 17, 2020
- Supplemental Filing #3 - March 21, 2020
- Supplemental Filing #2 - February 26, 2020
- Supplemental Filing #1 - December 10, 2019
- General Rate Case Application - October 18, 2019
- Direct Testimony - Brian J. Mills - October 18, 2019
- Direct Testimony - Joanne L. Kolb - October 18, 2019
- Direct Testimony - David W. Hedrick - October 18, 2019
Rate Calculators
- Calculate and compare the changes from current rates to the proposed rate increase in September 2020.
Rate Comparisons
- See how PRECorp's rates compare to electric utilities in Wyoming and the region?
- Get answers to some of the frequently asked questions about the 2020 Rate Case.
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